Blog Feature

By: Jennifer Devitt on December 9th, 2014

Computer Science Education Week. Celebrate by participating in "Hour of Code".

This week is "Computer Science Education Week".  For the second year now, during this week there is a push for "Hour of Code". So far this week, 62,707,942 have tried Hour of Code. This initiative is supported by The White House, and tech giants such as Apple, Microsoft and more.

Schools around the world are participating in the Hour of Code. I have seen tweets from teachers saying the kids would rather stay in and finish their code versus heading out for recess! Our youngest has participated for her second year straight (check out her current certificate picture). Admittedly, she does do coding on regularly, she really enjoyed the Frozen themed coding exercises.  Our son is planning to get his certificate again this year, he also dabbles regularly with code exercises. Heck, our son enjoys being part of the iHelp team at school, assisting with iPad maintenance.

But, our kids and students around the world are not the only ones. President Obama participated yesterday.  His first line of code was "moveforward(100)". This line of code is said to be the first line of code written by a US President.  Would you like to participate? Simply head over to and join in.  The White House estimates that by 2020 more than half of science and engineering related jobs will be in computer-science related fields.

It is our belief here at SYDCON that schools need to offer more computer-science related courses. Some districts are progressing. Our local elementary and middle school district now offers "STEM"  (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) once a week. In addition, more and more lessons and exams are being delivered via iPads. Assignments are due via Google Docs. The local high school district uses online assignments, grade books, Google Docs and more.

I encourage you to encourage your own children to participate in the Hour of Code. Or better yet, participate yourself or do it with your kids! Talk to your local school districts and support the STEM initiative. Companies like SYDCON, are always on the look out for talented programmers.  Maybe you or your child could develop the next great app. like Chicago area Trisha Prabhu who developed at anti-bullying app.

For those holdouts who think that technology and programming are not changing the world, changing how we do things or altering how jobs are done take a look at Apple's latest iPad ad "Changes".  Ads like these show that in any industry and at any position you can and should expect technology to play a part. Don't let yourself or your children be left behind. Support the Hour of Code today.

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