Blog Feature

By: Jennifer Devitt on August 23rd, 2015

I challenge you to move more. Check out the "Stand" app to get started.

In the world of 9 to 5 office jobs, today we find ourselves sitting more often than we should. It is easy to get wrapped up in your daily work activities and in some cases only get up for lunch. In our office full of developers, it is easy for them to have their headphones on and get wrapped up in their coding and not even realize that they have not moved all day.

To combat that, here at SYDCON we invested in employee Fitbit's to show them just how inactive they truly were. Dave and I discovered this several months ago when we joined the Fitbit rage. Fast forward to us being early adopters of the Apple Watch and I am finding myself even more motivated by fitness goal notifications. It becomes very easy and very habit forming to let a device on your wrist boss you around. Take that little ping on my arm for example when I have not stood up for an hour.  See Apple Watch has a health goal of standing for 1 minute per hour, for 12 hours a day. A new study found that workers should stand for a minimum of two hours a day at work. Whether that encompasses standing, walking, fidgeting, etc.

In an effort to pass on the motivation to stand, fidget, move and be more health conscious today let's talk about a new app for your Mac.  Stand is a new app for your Mac that works similarly to the Apple Watch. It reminds you to stand up. Now, sure it doesn't track if you actually did it like the watch does, but it is a timer to remind you.

Standing, it's not a hard thing to do, right? Did you know that some doctors claim that standing for just three hours a day can have the same benefits of running 10 marathons a  year! If you are considering embarking on a new healthier you why not give the Stand app a shot? Start small with standing up a few more times a day and gradually increase your goal. Then, if you're so inclined, invest in a Fitbit or pedometer and see for yourself how much time you spend sitting. Many even have now moved to standing desks. It is something I am considering as well. Do you have a standing desk? Tell me your thoughts. There are also treadmill desks, but I don't think I could type and walk like that.

I have found the more I move the clearer my mind. If I am stressed out by my kids, or have writer's block I can go for a walk, or these days a run! I have even come up with a few app ideas on my last few runs. It's amazing what you can do when you get moving. Do you have an office initiative to improve health and wellness? If so, share your team's ideas here, I love hearing about challenges. As always, if you have an app you would like me to check out, feel free to reach out. Now, get up out of your chair and stand or pace around your desk for just 1 minute per hour. Come on it's not hard. I dare you!

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