Blog Feature

By: Jennifer Devitt on May 3rd, 2015

It's 2015 and the Royal Family is using social media for updates. Is your company?

It's May 2015, still, think your company doesn't need social media? Still, think social media is a passing fad? It's time to think again. Social media is growing in force and customers use it in various ways.

We have discussed recently using social media to generate content and the importance of using it for online reputation management. Statistics show that 52 percent of adults are active on more than one social network. Individuals are using social networks to find companies, for product reviews, to follow brands and sports teams. And, more and more they are using social networks to get their breaking news.

Social media expansion on breaking news is evident in the recent news surrounding the recent royal birth. In the past Buckingham Palace utilized an easel behind the palace gates to announce new royal arrivals. For the new princesses debut, the Palace debuted a royal hashtag,  Via their official Twitter account KensingtonRoyal and the hashtag RoyalBaby.

The announcement of the birth, as well as today's naming announcement, came via Twitter as well as the Palace Facebook page. The time-honored tradition of updating the easel came after announcements were made via Twitter. If the Royals are switching to social media for major announcements, isn't it time your company did too? Take a moment to think about all the old traditions embraced by British Royalty. It is one of the reasons Americans are so enchanted with all they do. If even an institution so steeped in old traditions is embracing social media, shouldn't we all?

How does your company share news updates with clients or potential clients? Do you blog, share via your websiteTweet or share updates via Facebook? Perhaps you share things via LinkedinPinterest, and Instagram as well. Today, most potential clients are not interested in paper newsletters. It is no secret that more people read their news online via digital newspaper and magazine subscriptions. People watch breaking news via computers, smartphones, and tablets. Isn't it time to give your clients and potential clients up to the minute updates via social media networks? What channels do you use to communicate with your clients? If you are not yet using them, shouldn't you follow in the Royal footsteps and go that route?

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