Blog Feature

By: Jennifer Devitt on April 5th, 2016

It's Wednesday, here is your tech news roundup!

It's Wednesday, so it's time for another Tech News Roundup. I read tech news that touches on any and all topics. To me, it's a big part of my job as a VP of Business Development. It shows me more things than I ever dreamed possible. As we discussed in February, I believe technology is key in business development. Keeping up to date on the latest advancements in technology can help spawn new ideas for us and our clients. So, let's see what's happening this week so far.

1. #TaylorVsTreadmill. Ok, if you have not seen this ad for Apple Music, seriously stop what you are doing right now and watch it. Some in social media believed it to be an April Fools joke, not a legitimate ad. Either way it's hilarious, I think it makes one heck of an ad. In fact, This ad has boosted Drake's music sales 431 percent! Sales of Drake's "Jumpman" that Taylor raps in the ad reportedly jumped 431 percent worldwide on iTunes!

2. Microsoft "Seeing AI app". Microsoft gave a glimpse of it's still in production app "Seeing AI", created by a London-based developer Saqib Shaikh who happens to be blind. The app aims to make the world around blind individuals easier to navigate by way of artificial intelligence.

3. Facebook's "automatic alternative text".  Facebook is also aiming to make things easier for the blind. With their debut of new feature "automatic alternative text" (AAT). The new feature describes images to the blind or visually impaired. It is smart enough to describe post from friends by saying "two people smiling, outdoors" and more.

4. Virtual reality to help endangered species. Kerri Mengersen, an Australian professor set up cameras in a jungle in Peru. Theses cameras shoot 360-degree videos of a Jaguar habitat. Experts can then view the footage to study the animals, track sightings and learn more about the animals without physically being in the jungle. 5. Sterile Box. This 20-foot shipping container is will assist medical professionals in remote areas. The container contains everything needed to clean and sterilize medical equipment needed for life-saving surgeries.  The Sterile Box is solar powered and has it's own water filtration system.

6. Apple aims to aid Autism Awareness. If you missed our Monday blog, take a look here. It discusses how iPads are being used to assist a teenage boy named Dillan.

Did you read any new, exciting tech news this week? Feel free to share it with me. I love reading about new advancements. To me, the sky is the limit when it comes to what technology can do. Some are frightened by technology taking over our lives, or robots taking our jobs. Me, I look at how technology can boost business, save lives, enhance lives, give sight to the blind, a voice to a teenager named Dillan or make live saving equipment to available to doctors.  



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