Blog Feature

By: Jennifer Devitt on August 25th, 2015

SYDCON's top 5 published blogs per LinkedIn statistics.

Blogging. Whether your company pushes out daily, weekly or monthly installments of the company blog, full-time you want to know if your posts are hitting the mark with clients or potential customers. Creating a blog can be a big part of your job or potential full-time job depending on the frequency of your blog and the size of your audience. Finding topics can sometimes be easy, and other times be frustrating when you have writer's block.

Back in February here on the blog, we discussed how LinkedIn Publishing has expanded our audience. I will admit, sometimes I have so many topic ideas floating around my brain is too cluttered to pick one out and I need to do some reading of other blogs or listen to some music to clear my head. Other times, you could hear a pin rattle in my head when I can't come up with anything and am forced to try to get a topic idea out of the developers here.  If you are a regular reader of the blog, you know that I blog about a wide variety of topics. However, the majority of the time the topics are tied in some way or another to technology. Today, I thought it would be fun to expand on the Linkedin Publishing blog and utilize the weekly email of posts stats they send me to see what topics had the most traction. Let's take a look, shall we?

SYDCON'S Top 5 blogs published via LinkedIn.

5. 7 key things to check on your website. Take 15 minutes and run a status check.  Coming in at number 5 with 901 views and 33 likes. This post was originally from September 3, 2014. It was a general honey-do list to make sure your website was functioning properly. Things like check your links, forms, images, contact info, etc.

4.  Graduation requirements for the class of 2019 compared to the Top 100 jobs list.  In the number 4 spot on the list with 1057 views, 21 likes and 4 comments are this post from January 19, 2015. This post was spawned after attending another high school Freshman orientation for one of our children. We took a look at the graduation requirements for the class of 2019 as compared to the in-demand jobs on the Top 100 jobs list.

3. You wouldn't ram your car into a tree to test crash test results, don't try to bend your iPhone either.  Number 3 on the list with 1469 views, 45 likes, and 13 comments. This blog was published at the height of "bend-gate" on November 12, 2014, not long after the iPhone 6 and 6 plus launched and were impossible to acquire. Yet, there were people willfully bending and ruing the pricey devices.

2. My top 8 must have items for the tech lover on your holiday shopping list. Grabbing the number 2 spot with 2,215 views, 47 likes and 3 comments is this annual holiday shopping list. Having several tech lovers to shop for its always quick and easy to share some ideas. This blog was from last holiday shopping season on December 8, 2014.

1. How hiding behind the technology is making us fat, rude and abusive. And the clear winner of the top spot with 4,069 views, 97 likes and 29 comments is this post from October 29, 2014. I wrote this blog after reading How online food ordering is making you fat. I was intrigued and flabbergasted that technology would be to blame for this. Needless to say, it spawned some interesting comments on Linkedin, which you can read here. As is typical sometimes your intention behind a blog can be misconstrued. But, all comments as long as they are not hurtful or threatening are welcome. After all, if we were not open for discussion on the topic, why bother?

So, what does this top  5 list tell me? It tells me number one that I have not been wasting my time posting on LinkedIn. I have gained some new readers and grew our audience. It also tells me how I did it. It tells me that variety is the spice of life. All of these topics touch on technology in one way or another. Yet, all of these posts offer varying topics in varying industries. This list shows me that my readers are interested in a wide range of information. So, next time you are stuck on a blog topic, take some time to go through your Twitter feed, read some other blogs or check out the news. Chances are there is something out there you can tie back to your business or industry and offer your thoughts on. Do you publish on LinkedIn? If so, how is it working out for you?



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