Blog Feature

By: Jennifer Devitt on January 27th, 2011

Who is the best person to develop a website?

I recently read a tweet that stated websites were more "creative" than "technical", the tweet even went as far as to ask "if websites were a marketing decision why do computer guys feel they can build them"?  Think about that for a minute.  Is a website solely a creative piece, or solely a marketing decision?  Who should be responsible for it?

Since SYDCON is a web development company, you can imagine we took slight offense to the above-mentioned tweet.  You see, we have a vastly different outlook on the topic. Here at SYDCON, we believe the best websites are created by a collaborative effort, between designers, marketers & developers.  Just like when one is building homes, there are architects and there are builders, both equally as important, don't you think?

A designer can design the most beautiful website, the most creative website we have ever seen, but if it is a poorly constructed big deal!  A marketing department can work with the designers to get the message across, to tell the story, to call to action, but again if the code is bad, guess what...FAIL!  If your links don't function, or your site can not be viewed properly across all platforms or worse still it isn't a secure site, it won't matter one bit how "creative" your site is.  If your beautiful, creative website has a coding problem, it can even affect your search engine rankings.  Just like with people, there is a lot more to a website than a pretty face!

If you are in the market to either redesign your site or create a new one, it's wise to talk to potential firms about all aspects of a site.  Your potential firm should understand your message, be able to have a designer bring it to life and also understand what it takes to make it work.  Sure, a website is a "marketing decision" but if those marketers do not understand how things work, will your site work?  If Ford is launching a new car model, you can bet the marketers are putting great faith in the mechanics who are building the products they are trying to sell.  Websites are a team effort, if you belittle or take for granted any component, your website will never succeed.

Here at SYDCON, we work day in and day out with marketing firms, design firms, etc to deliver the best product a client can ask for.  We understand that a successful launch comes from a team that works together and values what the other has to offer.  So tell me, if it was a new or updated website for your business or your client, should you value the pretty face over what's on the inside, what makes it tick?

Contact Us 7 key things to check on your website. Take 15 minutes and run a status check.


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